The latest information about COVID-19 and our community
Mass will resume on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.
Please read the full directives here.
Information surrounding this pandemic is constantly changing and we have to adapt as new information is released. As we face this pandemic in our world today, please continue to pray for each other and for healing in our world.
If you are looking to drop off your contributions you may mail your envelopes to our office, or drop your envelope in the black mailbox at the Parish Center (in front of 3055 Harrison St).
You may also give online via the Diocese website here.
Thank you so much for thinking of us during this time.
Any updated information will be communicated through our website and MyParishApp.
Please feel free to email the parish office if you have any questions or concerns.
Weekly Newsletter
With our bulletin being put on hold for the time being, we are trying something new – Each week we hope to share with you resources to check out from home, and ways to keep enriching our faith. We hope this small gesture gives you some comfort during this time and helps us to continue to “open wide the doors to Christ.”
Past Issues
March 29, 2020 April 5, 2020
April 12, 2020 April 19, 2020
April 26, 2020 May 3, 2020
May 10, 2020 May 17, 2020
May 24, 2020 May 31, 2020
June 7, 2020 June 14, 2020
June 21, 2020
If you have not received this newsletter via email and would like to sign up,
please fill out the form below or submit your email address to the office.
Live stream Mass at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw
Mass will be streamed Monday-Saturday at 8:00 AM and on Sundays at 10:00 AM.
We will keep this page updated as new information becomes available.