Mass times: Saturday - 4p; Sunday - 9a. Click for more Mass times.

Vacation Bible School - In EGYPT!

Do you have any travel plans this summer? Maybe going up north or to visit family out of town? Well the kids in our parish, and throughout our area, have the opportunity to go on a great trip this summer: back in time the land of Egypt in Bible times at Vacation Bible School – Egypt: Joseph's Journey from Prison to Palace!  


Kids will have a chance experience what it would be like to live in ancient Egypt, and meet Joseph himself and follow his journey from prison to the palace of the Pharaoh!  Along with Joseph they will  learn that God gives us everything we need. They will sing and dance to great songs, have tasty snacks, play games like an Egyptian and experience what would have been in an Egyptian marketplace with cool crafts and activities! 


VBS will be Monday thru Friday June 27-July 1, 9:00am -12:00 pm and held at Holy Spirit Parish, 1035 N. River Rd.  The cost is $20 per child and $50 maximum per family.  Kids in preschool thru 6th grade (in the fall) are invited to participate -  and we mean all kids, so please, invite your friends, family and neighbors! 


Fill out a registration form and return it to Amy, drop it off at the parish office, or drop it in the collection basket! 
