Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

As we come to the end of the liturgical year, these end-times readings invite us to sit and reflect on how we live our lives.


How can we cultivate a disposition from which we can meet God’s justice and feel healed rather than destroyed? We need to align our identity with God’s identity with God’s idea of justice, rather than our own. We need to practice mercy, forgive others, and ourselves. We need to practice love and choose the good of another. We need to practice service, to meet people who awaken our compassion and grow in kinship with them. As our own ability to empathize and feel compassion towards others grows, we will begin to see people as God does – as precious human beings.


This Saturday through the waters of baptism, we welcome Dalton James Beach to our faith community. Welcome Dalton!


Have a blessed week,

Fr. Matt