Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

How can I serve you? I hope that will be my first and last question to you as I begin my service here at St. John Paul II Parish.I know you will be asking the same question of me.We are servants and disciples of the Lord and have been given the gifts needed for our parish to thrive and flourish by our loving God. I am grateful to build upon the foundation that so many others have laid before me.In particular, I am grateful for the ministry of Sr. Chris Gretka and Fr. Jim Bessert.I wish them God’s blessings in their new assignments.

      We are privileged to have Fr. Matt Federico as our Parochial Vicar.  He brings a desire to serve and a strong love of God to our parish as well.  He is very gifted and we have a lot to look forward to from his ministry.  We both need your prayers and we both will need your gift of patience as we learn your names and your stories.  Our main goal is to listen, listen and listen.


     I entitle my column, “Of Mind and Heart” because I hope to reveal what’s on my mind and in my heart.  I will use it as well to keep you up to date on things and share observations.


     This is kind of a different way for me to come into a parish this weekend.  I’m saying “Hello”, then saying, “See you later”.  I begin a “Mini-Sabbatical” on Monday at St. Meinrad Seminary’s Institute for Priests and Presbyterates in southern Indiana.  It’s entitled “Stoking the Fire” to help priests rest, reflect, and reinvigorate their spiritual life, update and expand their theological intellect, and renew their fire for pastoral ministry.  It’s goes from July 8th to August 3rd.   I put in for this Mini-Sabbatical last fall, long before I knew I would become your pastor.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  Meanwhile, the weekend masses will be celebrated by Fr. Matt, Fr. Bill Taylor and Fr. Steve Blaxton.  I’ll see you when I get back. God bless.



                                           Fr. Ron