This weekend in the Gospel we hear about the coming of the Lord. Sometimes I think we tend to forget that the Lord is always with us. He will not just appear one day and gone tomorrow. He is always with us, guiding us along the way.
We welcome Bishop Gruss to our Sunday mass as we celebrate the Rite of Candidacy for Matthew Gembrowski. This rite is one of the first public commitments that Matthew will make in his road to the priesthood. Please continue to keep Matthew in your prayers as he begins his studies next week at University of St. Mary of the Lake – Mundelein Seminary just outside of Chicago. Mundelein is one of the largest seminaries in the US (around 200 students) and has students from dioceses all over – from Alaska to New York. I am proud to have called Mundelein home for the six years that I spent there. Blessings upon you Matthew!
Recently, it has come to my attention that individuals have been taking it upon themselves in adjusting the thermostat in the Church. The thermostat has been programmed to automatically adjust when mass, the rosary, and other events are occurring in the Church. Please do not touch the thermostat unless Fr. Ron or I instruct you to do so. Thank you.
God bless,
Fr. Matt