Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

     We welcome Fr. Gregory Plata, OFM who is making a missionary appeal on behalf of the Franciscan Missions.  There is more information in this bulletin on the work the Franciscan Missionaries are doing around the world.  His appeal is a part of the Mission Co-op program of the Diocese.  We ask your generous support.

     As you can tell, work has begun on installing the handicap ramp in the sanctuary.  This will assist those who find it hard to do steps, but still want to serve the community as Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.  The project was delayed because the construction company was working on a number of school projects for the summer.  This company was the same one who installed the Baptismal Font.  

     We hope to complete the sanctuary in the near future.  We have some ideas we are working on and we will want to get your feedback and ideas before anything is done.   Please be patient with the process.  We want to make it something you’ll be proud of and find inspirational and that you’ll support financially.


                                                                         Fr. Ron