In today’s gospel reading, the crowds are asked if they are committed. The question for all of us is, how committed are we to Jesus Christ? We all know that Christ should be first within our lives. However, is this something that we say only in theory but not in practice? To be a disciple of the Lord means that we walk in his footsteps, follow a different way of life. Is Jesus at that level within our lives?
Next weekend (September 14th/15th), there will be a second collection for the Knights of Columbus to purchase an ultrasound machine for the Beacon of Hope Pregnancy Center in Saginaw. All of the Saginaw area parishes are participating in this worthwhile cause and I hope that you consider making a donation as well.
Also, next Saturday, September 14th, join our linked parish, Christ the Good Shepherd for their annual Shepherd Fest after their 4:30 PM mass. A fun time is promised for everyone.
Have a blessed week,
Fr. Matt