Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s Gospel passage begins the story of the public ministry of Jesus. The Gospel summarizes the whole ministry of Jesus in one sentence: “From that time on, Jesus began to preach and say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’”.

What is this “kingdom of heaven”? It is the ultimate victory over evil – physical evil and moral evil. It is the elimination of all evil from this universe. Evil was all around people then and still is today. Sickness, death, storms that ruined crops surrounded everyone then and still does today. This is the kingdom that Jesus came to take on. What does this mean to all of us?

Through our baptism, Jesus has breathed his Spirit upon us. We are engaged every day to plant the seeds of goodness in our world, and gradually to overcome evil, and to help build the kingdom of God. The key to happiness and a sense of fulfillment, whatever the circumstances of our lives is this: know that we are part of this great enterprise of God and to enjoy being part of it.

As you know, the votive candles were moved from the front of the Church to the Cry Room/Reconciliation Room by the statue of Mary while the nativity scene was displayed. At the last meeting, the Worship Commission decided that the votive candles will not be moved back up front and will remain in the Cry Room/Reconciliation Room by the statue of Mary. If anyone has any questions regarding this, please contact myself or Fr. Ron.

Have a blessed week,

Fr. Matt